



はじめに日本経済新聞アメリカ社の伴記者に米国の大統領選挙の仕組みにつき簡単に解説していただいた後、THE ORIENTAL ECONOMISTのRichard Katz 、Peter Ennis両氏より、大統領選挙につき展望してもらいました。Q&Aのセッションではクリントン、オバマ候補に対する素直な感想もご披露頂きました。2次会は焼肉ウエストで、大変盛り上がりました。尚、当日の様子はウェブサイトの写真をご覧下さい。


日時: 1月24日(木) 18時30分  受付開始

18時50分?19時00分 大統領選挙の仕組み基礎解説(日本経済新聞アメリカ社伴記者)
19時00分?19時30分 講演(Richard Katz and Peter Ennis)
19時30分?19時50分 Q&A
(2)Reception & Information conversation


   New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business,
   Henry Kaufman Management Center, 2nd Floor, room KMC 2-80,
   44 West Fourth Street, Suite 7-190
   New York, NY 10012-1126
(2)Reception & Information Conversation
   店名: Yakiniku West
   住所: 218 E 9th St, New York, NY 10003-7503 
   電話: 212-979-9238


Mr. Richard Katz and Mr. Peter Ennis work for the Oriental Economist Report as Co-Editors.
The Oriental Economist Report is the publisher of a monthly English Language newsletter primarily on Japanese politics, economics and foreign policy.

Mr. Richard Katz has been a long-time journalist working for a variety of publications; currently special correspondent for Weekly Toyo Keizai.
He is the author of two books on Japan published in English and Japanese:
One is “The System That Soured: The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Economic Miracle (腐りゆく日本というシステム)” in 1998 and the other is “Japanese Phoenix(不死鳥の日本経済)” in 2008.
He is also the author of occasional op-eds in papers like the Financial Times and the Asian Wall Street Journal, as well as two essays in Foreign Affairs.
He received his B.A. in History from Columbia University and his Masters Degree in Economics at New York University.

Mr. Peter Ennis is a specialist in foreign policy and security issues, such as policy toward North Korea, balancing US ties with Japan and China, etc.

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